At full speed, flamenco came to crash with us, broke into pieces and from the pieces we picked up this work was born.
R.E.A. danza offers its personal vision of flamenco, where music, dance, singing and aerobatics are the body that shapes this scenic fantasy. Dancers from different "palos" of dance, a guitar, a bass, a saxophone, a flute, a cajón drum and a keyboard, along with a voice, will immerse the spectator in late ninteenth- and early twentieth-century Andalusia. An inn located at a crossroads is where different characters meet, each with their own story, their own luggage... There, the mundane and the magical, dream and reality, sleep and visual poetry mix together. There, in those deep roots of flamenco, a flame sparks to ignite this almost fatuous fire. The bulerías, tangos and fandangos among other palos make up the earth, solidity, strength and tradition. While air, the aerial and volatile, keep the fire ablaze, trapezes, bungee jumps and other aerial elements take dancers off the ground, breaking the sense of gravity of the ordinary to take them to other physical and emotional levels.
This work is the second part of a trilogy that the R.E.A. company has been producing with the aim of disseminating and publicizing various folklores at a particular moment of their development, the moment of their birth and blooming.
Idea, choreography and direction
Mercedes Ángel, Jupa y Diego Arias.
Technical Direction Eladio Cano.
Clothing Norma García.
Scenography Juan Arias.
Lighting design Eladio Cano.
Production REA producciones.